Bay of Bengal province


This province covers the following ecoiregions: 107. Eastern India; 108. Northern Bay of Bengal.

Ancilla ampla (Gmelin, 1791)

Eastern India [107]

RV 2354a. India, Tamil Nadu, Cuddalore, offshore, by dredging, 1983. Scale bar is 1 cm.

Ancilla cinnamomea Lamarck, 1801

Eastern India [107]

Figure coming

Ancilla chrysoma Kilburn, 1981

Eastern India [107]

RV 2393. India, Tamil Nadu, Madras; trawled by fisherman, depth depth 27-36 m; November 1979.

Carmione similis (Marrat, 1867)

Bangladesh [108]

Figure coming

Galeolella todosina (Duclos, 1840)

E India [107]

Figure wanted

Miniaceoliva concinna kremerorum(Petuch & Sargent, 1986)

E India [107]

Figure coming

Miniaceoliva tremulina flammeacolor (Petuch & Sargent, 1986)

E India [107]

RV 7305. India, Tamil Nadu, Cuddalore [Cadalur]; depth 15-20 m, trawled, silty sand. Scale bar is 1 cm.

Utriculina gibbosa (Born, 1778)

E India [107]

Figure coming

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith