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De Recente en Tertiaire brachiopoden van het Nederlandse strand – Een inventarisatie van de literatuur en commentaar op het vermeende voorkomen van Gwynia capsula (Jeffreys, 1859) in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. Het Zeepaard 64, 45-58 (2004). 2004_-_voskuil_-_de_recente_en_tertiaire_brachiopoden_van_het_nederlandse_strand.pdf (503.18 KB)
. An introduction to the living Brachiopoda. Vita Marina 47, 107-120 (2001). 2001_-_voskuil_-_an_introduction_to_the_living_brachiopoda_-_small.pdf (1.64 MB)
. On the authorship and year of publication of Anomia venosa (Articulata, Terebratellida, Terebratellidae). The Brachidium 1, 5-6 (2000). brachidium_1.pdf (605.1 KB)
. On a small collection of Hawaiian Brachiopoda (Lophophorata). Internet Hawaiian Shell News 1998, 2-13 (1998). 1998_-_voskuil_-_on_a_small_collection_of_hawaiian_brachiopoda.pdf (539.81 KB)
. Studies on Cardiidae. 7. On the identity of Cardium robillardi Sowerby, 1894. Vita Marina 45, 17-20 (1998). 1998_-_voskuil_-_studies_on_cardiidae._7._on_the_identity_of_cardium_robillardi_sowerby_1894.pdf (368.49 KB)
. Contributions to the knowledge of Strombacea. 3. Some notes on the range of Strombus (Dolomena) plicatus pulchellus Reeve, 1851 (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia, Strombidae). Basteria 60, 13-18 (1996). Contributions to the knowledge of Strombacea. 3. Some nan in 't Veld, L.A. & Voskuil, R.P.A. (Ron P.A. - 1963).pdf (1.22 MB)
. Contributions to the knowledge of Strombacea. 3. Some notes on the range of Strombus (Dolomena) plicatus pulchellus Reeve, 1851 (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia, Strombidae). Basteria 60, 13-18 (1996). Contributions to the knowledge of Strombacea. 3. Some nan in 't Veld, L.A. & Voskuil, R.P.A. (Ron P.A. - 1963)_0.pdf (1.63 MB)
. . De alikruik, een korte etymologische overdenking. Correspondentieblad van de Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging 284, 71 (1995). De alikruik, een korte etymologische overdenking - Correntieblad van de Nederlandse Malacologische Vereeniging.pdf (296.06 KB)
. The living species of the genus Hydatina Schumacher, 1817, (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Opistobranchia: Hydatinidae) with the description of a new species. Vita Marina 43, 29-38 (1995). 1995_-_voskuil_-_the_living_species_of_the_genus_hydatina_schumacher_1817_with_the_description_of_a_new_species.pdf (1.14 MB)
. . Notes on the history of the malacological collection of the Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, The Netherlands, 1. The rediscovery of type-material of Bulla albocincta Van der Hoeven, 1839. Basteria 57, 111-114 (1993). 1993_-_van_der_bijl__voskuil_-_the_rediscovery_of_type-material_of_bulla_albocincta_van_der_hoeven_1839.pdf (1.15 MB)
. The recent species of the genus Eburna Lamarck, 1801. Vita Marina 41, 49-55 (1991). The recent species of the genus - Voskuil, R.P.A. (Ron P.A. - 196.pdf (585.89 KB)
. Studies on Cardiidae. 3. The recent species of Maoricardium Marwick, 1944, with description of a new species. Basteria 55, 25-33 (1991). Studies on Cardiidae. 3. The recent species of Maoricarl, R.P.A. (Ron P.A. - 1963) & Onverwagt, W.J.H. (Jelle).pdf (2.33 MB)
A new Agaronia from Indonesia. De Kreukel 26, 19-22 (1990). 1990_-_voskuil_-_a_new_agaronia_from_indonesia.pdf (2.26 MB)
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De recente Europese Cardiidae. Vita Marina Tweekleppigen, 247-278 (1989). 1989_-_voskuil_-_de_recente_europesa_cardiidae.pdf (1.84 MB)
. Inventarisation of the recent European and West African Cardiidae. Gloria Maris 28, 49-96 (1989). Inv_Rec_Cardd.pdf (7.02 MB)
Enige leuke vondsten uit Bretagne. Vita Marina Veldwerk, 151-153 (1988). 1988_-_voskuil_-_enige_leuke_vondsten_uit_bretagne.pdf (226.31 KB)