
Search results

  1. Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines File/Image

    Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines Licence:  Description:  Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines Creator:  Picardal, Rafael Medenilla Taxonomic name:  Oliva picta (Taxon Pages) ...

  2. Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines File/Image

    Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines Licence:  Description:  Puerto Princesa City, Palawan, Philippines Creator:  Picardal, Rafael Medenilla Taxonomic name:  Oliva picta (Taxon Pages) ...

  3. Type figure of Oliva picta Reeve, 1850. Recent. Philippines. File/Image

    Type figure of Oliva picta Reeve, 1850. Recent. Philippines. Licence:  Description:  Type figure of Oliva picta Reeve, 1850. Recent. Philippines. Creator:  Original image Taxonomic name:  Oliva picta (Taxon Pages) ...

  4. NMR 61521. Papua New Guinea File/Image

    NMR 61521. Papua New Guinea Licence:  Description:  NMR 61521. Papua New Guinea Creator:  NMR Taxonomic name:  Oliva picta (Taxon Pages) ...

  5. Oliva insecta type figures.jpg File/Image

    Oliva insecta type figures.jpg Licence:  Description:  Type figures of  Oliva insecta Petuch & Sargent, 1986. Creator:  Petuch & Sargent Taxonomic name:  Oliva insecta (Taxon Pages) ...

  6. Oliva ceramensis Node/Spm

    Oliva ceramensis (Taxon Pages) "Shell small, cylindrically-ovate, slightly swollen near the upper part, glossy, smooth, with concentric gray and yellow zones, marked by a purple-brown network, with darker triangular spots. Spire very short, apex dark ...

    ron_voskuil - 2017-07-18 09:15

  7. Galeolella picta Node/Spm

    Galeolella picta (Taxon Pages) Distribution:  Central Indo-Pacific realm.  Eastern Coral Triangle province (Papua New Guinea).  Western Coral Triangle province. Palawan ecoregion (Palawan, Philippines)  Eastern Philippines ecoregion (Philippines). Banda S ...

    ron_voskuil - 2018-06-10 00:38

  8. Schepman, 1911: Pl. 22 fig. 3. Illustration of syntype of Oliva ceramensis Schepman, 1903. File/Image

    Schepman, 1911: Pl. 22 fig. 3. Illustration of syntype of Oliva ceramensis Schepman, 1903. Licence:  Description:  Schepman, 1911: Pl. 22 fig. 3. Illustration of syntype of Oliva ceramensis Schepman, 1903. Creator:  Original image Taxonomic name:  Oliva c ...

  9. Siput dan Kerang Indonesia (Indonesian Shells) Node/Biblio

    Publication Type: Book Year of Publication: 1989 Authors: Dharma, B Number of Pages: 1-111 Publisher: Penerbit City: Jakarta Oliva tricolor (Taxon Pages), Porphyria reticulata (Taxon Pages), Oliva elegans (Taxon Pages), Oliva funebralis (Taxon Pages), Por ...

    ron_voskuil - 2018-05-03 15:36

  10. Atlas of the living olive shells of the world Node/Biblio

    Publication Type: Book Year of Publication: 1986 Authors: Petuch, EJ, Sargent, DM Number of Pages: i-xiii + 1-253 Publisher: Coastal Education & Research Foundation City: Fort Lauderdale ISBN: 0-938415-00-X Keywords: Monographic works Acutoliva (Taxon ...

    ron_voskuil - 2018-04-18 02:01


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith