Oliva dimidiata
Original description(s):
"The shell is small, cylindric, with conic spire and mamillate apex. The last three to four whorls are flat, covered with callous, and separated by channelled suture. The last whorl is encircled a little above the middle by a narrow groove. The basal fasciole has 6 strong ledges. There are 14 short folds on the columellar margin. Length 12.2, diam. 5.3 mm.; length of aperture 9 mm.; 6 ¾ whorls.". Oligocene. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
Type material:
Holotype ANSP, AMNH 107090 (Merrill, 1905; figured by Pilsbry, 1922: Pl. 23 fig. 8).