Olivina bullula
Distribution: Temperate Northern Atlantic realm. Warm Temperate Northwest Atlantic province (northern Gulf of Mexicio). Tropical Atlantic realm. Tropical Northwestern Atlantic province.
Distribution: Temperate Northern Atlantic realm. Warm Temperate Northwest Atlantic province (northern Gulf of Mexicio). Tropical Atlantic realm. Tropical Northwestern Atlantic province.
"Shell acuminately oblong, thin, rather inflated, spire much exserted, columella arched, rather callous at the base; transparent-white, with a narrow opake zone beneath the sutures.". Recent. West Indies.
"Shell lanceolately oblong, spire very much exserted, columella short, arched, obscurely two-plaited at the base; transparent-white, slightly opake at the sutures.". Recent. Unknown locality.
"Adults 6 to 9 mm. in length, elongate, rather thin, glossy, translucent with faint brown markings, and with 4 to 5 whorls. Nuclear whorl of one revolution, large, moderately bulbous, glassy-smooth, translucent, and separated from the postnuclear whorls by a fine, axial line. Postnuclear whorls 3 to 4, slightly convex, smooth, translucent, clear tan in live specimens to milky white in dead specimens. Suture distinct, deeply and finely canaliculate. Most of the channeling is on the inner edge of the top of the whorl, although there is a small amount of concave etching against the side of the preceding whorl. Aperture elongate to lanceolate, about 6/10 the total length of the shell, narrow posteriorly, and continuous with the deep sutural channel. Outer lip thin, sharp, and projecting considerably downward at its lower and outer, rounded corner. Inner lip smooth with a very indistinct, elongate, clear-colored callus which is thickest in specimens over 6 mm. in length. It is often microscopically scratched with numerous, short, wavy, axial lines. The area of the anal fasciole is bounded above by a finely raised thread. The columella below this line is evenly and shallowly S-shaped. The lower fourth of the columella is very slightly thickened into a single, raised, rather wide, spiral plication. In thicker specimens, there is often a tiny, weaker and narrower plait just above. Color of anal fasciole usually white, but occasionally with a spiral series of weak, brown spots. Color pattern on body whorl variable, usually indistinct, with small, irregular, light-brown spots just below the suture and just above the anal fasciole thread. Sides of whorls irregularly painted with interconnecting streaks and flamules of light-brown. In most specimens, especially dead ones, milky whiteness obscures the color. Operculum thin, translucent yellowish, horny, sickle-shaped to lanceolate, with smooth edges, and slightly larger than the aperture of the shell.". Recent. About 3 miles off Ajax Reef, off Elliott’s Key, Lower Florida Keys, Florida, USA.