Miniaceoliva hirasei ameliae
Distribution: Central Indo-Pacific realm. Java Transitional province (Pangandaran Bay, Java, Indonesia).
Distribution: Central Indo-Pacific realm. Java Transitional province (Pangandaran Bay, Java, Indonesia).
"Description: Shell elongated, sub-cylindrical or sub-conical. Width/Hight ratio 44.12 % ± 0.96 %. Nucleus formed by about 3.7 (usually worn) whorls. Spire low, 7.66 % ± 1.14 % of the shell; profile slightly concave; from 4.1 to 5.0 whorls. Filament channel open. Spire/shoulder transition barely telescopic. Aperture narrow, long, 88.97 % ± 2.18 % of the shell. Parietal wall straight or slightly concave. From 24 to 34 well-developed plicae; sequence: 5-9/3-5/2-4/11-19. Shell’s overall color ivory white. Subchannel pattern formed by faint marks which may develop into an interrupted purple line. Pattern-less spire callus, from tan to violet. Body-whorl pattern formed by a broad, regular reticulation of brown speckles and light triangles. Pattern-less area at the shoulder. Posterior and middle bands always present, often well developed, rarely coalescing, formed by irregular brown blotches. External glaze seldom present, light yellow. Post-fasciole band bipartite, posteriorly translucent and mostly pattern-less, anteriorly with a few brown strokes. Parietal callus from translucent towards the spire to white around the centre. Fasciole white. Anterior tip with a yellow diffuse area. Lip from light cream to ivory white outside, white inside. Aperture with a broad bright purple longitudinal band. Throat white. Siphon notch violet (see Figures 3 and 4). Size: up to 45.6 mm; usually around 40 mm.".