Olivella fletcherae
"Shell small, lustrous, narrow, widest a little below the middle; spire elevated, apex acute, whorls bout 6½; suture very narrowly channeled and overhung by the sharp edge of the whorl below. Aperture about half as high as the shell, narrow, triangular, terminating below in the very short squarish canal; outer lip thin; parietal callus moderate, thickest near the end of the suture but thinning out before attaining the suture above; columella moderately concave within, its lower portion armed with a narrow raised plate bearing 5 or 6 low entering folds. Fasciole smooth, wide. Color whitish, maculated with light and dark brown, which often forms a more or less continuous band below the suture. Alt. of holotype 9.6, max. diam. 3.5, alt. aperture 5.3 mm.". Recent. Cholla Cove, Bahia de Adair, Sonora, Mexico.