Ancilla okawai
"The shell is subfusiform inclining to cylindrical, The spire is very short, blunt at apex and wholly covered with a callus which is provided with several fine spiral grooves. The callus also covers he upper portion of the body-whorl, and in front it comes down to cover the upper part of the inner lip. The body-whorl is finely spirally striate and where it meets the spire is a shallow excavation. Near the base there are two spiral bands one above the other, the upper being narrower and bounded by a groove on both sides, while the lower is one and a half times to twice as broad and has a ridge in its middle. The base below the lower band is smooth and separated by a deep and broad valley from the lower portion of the inner lip which at this place shows three longitudinal grooves decreasing in size toward inside. Aperture long, occupying more than seven-tenths of the shell-height. Outer lip thin. Canal broad and short. Height 40 millim. Díameter 18 millim. Apertural length 28 ınillim. The younger forms are more slender, one of such measuring 22 millim. in height, 9 millim. in diameter and 15.5 millim. in apertural length.". Pliocene. Dainichi, Totomi, Japan.
Syntypes UMUT CM 21740, 21741, 21742, 21743, 21744, 21745.
This may be the direct precursor of the extant Ancillaria albocallosa Lischke, 1873. However, it seems safe to separate the two until more information becomes available.
Dainichi, Totomi, Japan.