Ancillaria mucronata
"A. testa oblonga, pallida brunnea, spira acuminata, oblita, apice mucronato, anfractu ultimo superne balteo albo-marginato, infra linea impressd dente terminata, et balteis duobus instructo; varice columellari angusto, substriato, sulco sinistrali inconspicuo; apertura superne acutiuscula, infra emarginata, labio externo prope basim unidentato; labio interno superne supra spiram extenso; long. 1 6/10, lat. 7/10, poll. Shell oblong, pale brown; the spire acuminated, coated thickly with enamel; apex mucronated; last volution with a white margined belt at the upper part; an impressed line terminated by a small blunt tooth at the lower edge of the outer lip, and two belts may be observed at the lower part of the last volution; a very indistinct groove marks the commencement of the columellar varix, which is narrow, whitish, and very faintly striated; upper end of the aperture rather acute, lower end notched, outer lip a little thickened at the edge, with a single small tooth near the base; upper part of the inner lip spreading over the spire.". Recent. No locality given.