Ancillus monachalis
"Ancillus having a slightly swollen, cylindrical fusiform shell, with exposed protoconch, with spire-sheath and false suture in spire, and narrowly thickened deposit of primary callus on the ventral side, fasciolar band and yellowish gray subsutural band, and lacking of ancillid band, labral denticle, and marking in the middle zone. Description: Shell slightly swollen, cylindrical fusiform, with light brownish subsuture band and brown fasciolar band, with no marking in the middle zone. Spire consists of protoconch, four spire-sheaths with false suture and subsutural band. Protoconch small, hemispherical, with no appeared nucleus, exposed from early spire-sheath. Spire-sheath grayish white. False suture waved with thickened margin of subsutural band. Subsutural band light brownish in color, slightly swollen, with no sutural depression and with fine granulation. Primary callus developed on columellar lip, forming a narrow, thick pad-like deposit around posterior canal, not reaching up to the spire-sheath. Middle zone grayish brown in color, with fine axial lines crossed with fine spiral striae, lacking of ancillid band and labral denticle. Fasciolar band brown in color, with fine granulations, delimited by the raised margin of the basal zone. Basal zone narrow, with the same color with fasciolar band, delimited by a furrow from white, twisted columella with 3-4 folds. Aperture white within, narrow, with pointed posterior canal. Margin of outer lip tinted by light brown. Outer lip simple. Siphonal canal deep. Operculum broad, leaf-like shaped, with terminal nucleus. Radula unknown. Measurement (mm) Holotype: length 34.4, width 12.0, length of aperture 23.0.". Recent. Off SW Taiwan.