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Parvoliva rufula (Duclos, 1840)
Synonyms: 2
Distribution: Central Indo-Pacific realm. Western Coral Triangle province. Palawan ecoregion (Sabah). Eastern Philippines ecoregion (Philippines). Eastern Coral Triangle province. Sunda Shelf province (Riau Islands, Indonesia). Also Papua New Guinea and Melanesia (Sterba, 2004).
This is the type species of Rufoliva Petuch & Sargent, 1986. Considered to be a valid species by all contemporary authors. It should only be compared with the congeneric but much smaller Parvoliva baileyi (Petuch, 1979).
RV 0755. Philippines, Davao province, Talikud Island, dredged, depth 30-50 m, 2003. Scale bar is 1 cm.
RV 7011. Malaysia, Sabah, Libaran Island, low tide in sand near reef. Scale bar is 1 cm.
Oliva rufula tectiphora Petuch & Sargent, 1986, is a color pattarn variation occurring in immature specimens (see below).
RV 7309c. Philippines, Cebu province, Olango Island, by local fishermen, nets, December 2014. Scale bar is 1 cm.
RV 1079. Philippines, Cebu, Liloan, with trawl net, depth c 30 m. Juvenile specimen, rembling Parvoliva rufofulgurata (Schepman, 1904) of the same size. Scale bar is 1 cm.