Warm Temperate Northwest Pacific province


This province covers the following ecregions: 51. Central Kuroshio Current; 52. East China Sea.

Baryspira albocallosa (Lischke, 1874)

SE Japan [51]

RV 0563. Japan, Honshu, Aichi Prefecture, Mikawa Province, Mikawa. Scale bar is 1 cm.

Baryspira albocallosa slender morph

SE Japan [51], NE Taiwan [52]

RV 2161. Japan, Nagasaki. Scale bar is 1 cm.

Baryspira aureocallosa Shikama & Oishi, 1977

East China Sea [52]

Figure wanted

Baryspira hinomotoensis (Yokoyama, 1922)

SE Japan [51]

Figure coming

Baryspira mamillata auctt. not Hinds, 1844

NE Taiwan [52]

Figure coming

Baryspira otohime (Majima, Tsuchida & Ohshima, 1993)

NE Taiwan [52]

RV 7025. Taiwan, August 18, 1997. Scale bar is 1 cm.

Baryspira rubiginosa (Swainson, 1823) Figure wanted
Baryspira utopica (Ninomiya, 1987)

SE Japan [51]

Figure wanted

Turrancilla borshengi (Lan & Lee, 2002)

NE Taiwan [52] UPPER SLOPE

Type figures

Turrancilla suavis (Yokoyama, 1926)

SE Japan [51], East China Sea [52UPPER SLOPE

RV 2329. Japan, Kochi Prefecture, Tosa Bay. Scale bar is 1 cm.

Musteloliva mustelina mustelina (Lamarck, 1811)

SE Japan [51]

Figure coming

Olivella mandarina (Duclos, 1835)

SE Japan [51]

Figure coming

Olivella plana (Marrat, 1871)

East China Sea [52]

Figure coming

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith