Southeast Polynesia province


This province covers the following ecoregions: 158. Tuamotus; 159. Rapa-Pitcairn; 160; Southern Cook/Austral Islands; 161. Society Islands. The malacafuana of French Polynesia was treated by Salvat & Rives (1975).

Olivellopsis simplex (Pease, 1867)

Tuamotus [158]

Figure of specimen from this region wanted

Acutoliva jaspidea (Duclos, 1835)

Society Islands [161]

RV 0335. French Polynesia, Tahiti, Mahina, Venus Point. Depth 1-2 m, in black volcanic sand. October 1980.

Annulatoliva amethystina (Röding, 1798)

Society Islands [161]

Figure of specimen from this region wanted

Calyptoliva bbugeae Kantor, Fedosov, Puillandre & Bouchet, 2016

UPPER SLOPE. Tuamotus [158]

Holotype MNHN-IM-2007-38919. Tuamotu Archipelago, off Kaukura, 15º41’S, 146º54’W, depth 507-607 m.

Galeolella carneola (Gmelin, 1791) Tuamotus [158], Society Islands [161]

Figure of specimen from this region wanted

Omogymna nitidula nitidula (Duclos, 1835) Tuamotus [158], Society Islands [161]

Figure of specimen from this region wanted

Miniaceoliva caerulea (Röding, 1798)

Society Islands [161]

Figure of specimen from this region wanted

Miniaceoliva lamberti efasciata (Dautzenberg, 1927)

Tuamotus [158], Society Islands [161]

Figure of specimen from this region wanted

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith