Galapagos province

This province consists of three ecoregions: 172. Northern Galapagos Islands; 173. Eastern Galapagos Islands; 174. Western Galapagos Islands

A checklist of the Mollusca from this province was published by Finet, Ruiz, Banks & Tirado (2011).

Dactylidella anazora (Duclos, 1835) Figure of specimen from this province wanted
Felicioliva kaleontina kaleontina (Duclos, 1835)

Isla Isabela, Isla Fernandina [174]. Isla Floreana, Isla Santa Cruz

RV 3039. Galapagos Islands, off Fernandina Island, trawled by local fisherman, depth 40-60 m, on sandy bottom, 2006. Scale bar is 1 cm.

Olivella bitleri Olsson, 1956 Figure of specimen from this province wanted
Olivella drangai Olsson, 1956

Isla Isabela [174]

Figure of specimen from this province wanted

Olivella fletcherae Berry, 1958

Isla Santa Cruz

Figure of specimen from this province wanted

Olivella gracilis (Broderip & Sowerby, 1829)

Isla Isabela [174]

Figure of specimen from this province wanted

Olivella steveni Burch & Campbell, 1963 Figure of specimen from this province wanted
Porphyria porphyria (Linnaeus, 1758)

Isla Isabela [174]

Figure of specimen from this province wanted

Recorded from this province but occurrence doubtful: Felicioliva peruviana (Lamarck, 1811)Olivella steveni Burch & Campbell, 1963.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith