Specimen listings

Specimen listings are given where appropriate, As Materials investigated under two headers: Type material and Other material.

Specimen listings contain data of collection lots which contain specimens clearly originating from the same population, or in case of type material, clearly originating from the same type lot. Collection numbers are linked to the photograph of the respective specimen, which in case is assigned to a species-group taxon as closely representing the specimens contained in the lot, even is this is a taxon considered to be a junior synonym of another. This is to assure maximum portability of the data in cases where it proves to be appropriate to alter taxonomy.

Listings include materials that were inspected and measured personally by the contributor. Specimen listings are only given in those cases where at least 1 specimen of the lot is also illustrated, in which case a link refers to the photograph. Catalogue numbers of those specimens are marked in bold typeface.

The listings contain the following columns (methods after Tursch & Greifeneder, 2001):

# — Catalogue number of the specimen.

H — Length of the specimen.

D — Maximum diameter of the specimen.

L — Length of the lip of the specimen.

D/H — Maximum diameter of the specimen/Length of the specimen.

L/H — Length of the lip of the specimen/Length of the specimen.

RES4 — Hight of protoconch measured in lateral view. This may list a value, like 1.24, or broken or corroded.

RES5 — Width of protonch measured in lateral view. This may list a value, like 1.24, or broken or corroded.

NW — Number of nuclear whorls. May also be broken or corroded.

PS — Plications sequence (as explained by Tursch & Greifeneder, 2001: 295, Fig. 14.06). Typically looks like N1/N2/N3/N4. where N1 is the number of plications on the shoe, N2 is the number opf plications on the belt, N3 the number of plications on the anterior belt, and N4 the number of plications on the parietal plate.

[RV] H, D, L, measured with a digital display calliper. Nucleus LPRO and NW measured with pre-calibrated ocular reticulum on a Wild M3b binocular microscope at 40x magnification. PS investigated under the same binocular microscope at lower magnification.

Missing data are marked with "-"". Unavailable data, caused by damaged shells or a damaged nucleus, are marked with "na".

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith