
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
Anderson, F. M.1928Notes on Lower Tertiary deposits of Colombia and their molluscan and foraminiferal fauna
Yokoyama, M.1928Pliocene shells from Hyuga
Douvillé, H.1929Description de la faune de Biron. In: Douvillé, H. & O’Gorman, G., L’Éocène du Béarn
Thiele, J.1929Handbuch der systematischen Weichtierkunde
Anderson, F. M.1929Marine Miocene and related deposits of north Colombia
Weisbord, N. E.1929Miocene Mollusca of northern Colombia
Iredale, T.1929Strange molluscs in Sydney Harbour
Powell, A. W. B., Bartrum J. A.1929The Tertiary (Waitematan) Molluscan fauna of Oneroa, Waiheke Island
Marwick, J.1929Tertiary mollusca fauna of Chatton, Southland
Olsson, A. A.1930Contributions to the Tertiary Paleontology of Northern Peru: Part 3. Eocene Mollusca
Vincent, É.1930Études sur les mollusques Montiens du Poudingue et du Tuffeau de Ciply
Li, C. C.1930The Miocene and Recent Mollusca of Panama Bay
Mansfield, W. C.1930Miocene gastropods and scaphopods of the Choctawhatchee Formation of Florida
Cuvillier, J.1930Révision du Nummulitique égyptien
Grant, U. S., Gale H. R.1931Catalogue of the marine Pliocene and Pleistocene Mollusca of California
Olsson, A. A.1931Contributions to the Tertiary Paleontology of Northern Peru: Part 4. The Peruvian Oligocene
Koperberg, E. J.1931Jungtertiäre und Quartäre Mollusken von Timor
Koperberg, E. J.1931Jungtertiäre und Quartäre Mollusken von Timor
Martin, K.1931Mollusken aus dem Obereocän von Nanggulan
Wilmarth, M. G.1931Names and definitions of the geological units of California
Mansfield, W. C.1931Some Tertiary mollusks from southern Florida
Marwick, J.1931The Tertiary Mollusca of the Gisborne District
Olsson, A. A.1932Contributions to the Tertiary Paleontology of Northern Peru: Part 5, Miocene Mollusca
Turton, W. H.1932The marine shells of Port Alfred, South Africa
Basse, É.1932Paléontologie de Madagascar. XVIII: Faune malacologique du Crétacé supérieur du Sud-Ouest de Madagascar
Tucker, H. I., Wilson D.1932A second contribution to the Neogene paleontology of south Florida
Cotton, B. C., Godfrey F. K.1932South Australian shells (including descriptions of new genera and species) Part III
Loel, W., Corey W. H.1932The Vaqueros Formation, Lower Miocene of California (Part 1)
Douvillé, H.1933Contribution à la Geologie de l’Angola. Le Tertiaire de Loanda
Martin, K.1933Eine neue tertiäre Mollusken-fauna aus dem Indischen Archipel
Gardner, J.1933The Midway Group of Texas
Glibert, M.1933Monografie de la faune malacologique du Bruxellien des environs de Bruxelles
Oostingh, C. H.1933Neue Mollusken aus dem Pliozän von Java
Cuvillier, J.1933Nouvelle contribution à la paléontologie du nummulitique Égyptien
Rutsch, R. F.1934Die Gastropoden aus dem Neogen der Punta Gavilán in Nord-Venezuela
Ladd, H. S.1934The geology of Vitilevu, Fiji
Clench, W. J.1934A new subspecies of Oliva reticularis from southern Florida
Wanner, J., Hahn E.1935Miocäne Mollusken aus der Landschaft Rembang (Java)
Nomura, S.1935Catalogue of the Tertiary and Quartary Mollusca from the island of Taiwan (Formosa) in the Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Tohoku Imperial University, Sendai, Japan
Oostingh, C. H.1935Die Mollusken des Pliozäns von Boemiajoe (Java)
Vokes, H. E.1935Note on Ancilla Lamarck
Nomura, S.1935A note on some fossil Mollusca from the Tawikawa Beds of the Northwestern part of Hokkaido, Japan
Berry, S. S.1935An undescribed Californian Olivella
Iredale, T.1936Australian molluscan notes. 2
Pannekoek, A.1936Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Altmiocänen Mollusken-fauna von Rembang (Java)
Vokes, H. E.1936Notes on Ancilla Lamarck (Abstract)
Laws, C. R.1936The Waitotaran Faunule at Kaawa Creek, Part 2
Palmer, K. V. W.1937The Claibornian Scaphopoda, Gastropoda, and dibranchiate Cephalopoda of the southern United States
Clench, W. J.1937Descriptions of new land and marine shells from the Bahama Islands
Gardner, J.1937The molluscan fauna of the Alum Bluff group in Florida. Part VI. Pteropoda, Opisthobranchia and Ctenobranchia (in part)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith