
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
Guppy, R. J. L.1874On the West Indian Tertiary fossils
Lischke, C. E.1874Diagnosen neuer Meeres-Conchylien aus Japan
Angas, G. F.1875Descriptions of three new species of shells from Australia
Hörnes, R.1875Die Fauna des Schliers von Ottnang
Tournouer, R.1876Descriptions des fossiles
Weinkauff, H. C.1876Die Gattung Oliva
Guppy, R. J. L.1876On the Miocene fossils of Haiti
Weinkauff, H. C.1877Die Gattung Oliva
Angas, G. F.1877Descriptions of one genus and twenty-five species of marine shells from New South Wales
Karrer, F.1877Geologie der Kaiser Franz Josefs Hochquellen-Wasserleitung. Eine Studie in den Tertiär-Bildungen am Westrande des alpinen Theiles der Niederung von Wien
Weinkauff, H. C.1878Die Gattung Oliva
Etheridge, R.1878A catalogue of Australian fossils (including Tasmania and the Island of Timor) stratigraphically and zoologically arranged
Tennison-Woods, J. E.1878Census; with brief descriptions of the marine shells of Tasmania and the adjacent islands
Weinkauff, H. C.1878Die Gattung Ancillaria
Tennison-Woods, J. E.1878On some new marine Mollusca
Tennison-Woods, J. E.1879On some Tertiary fossils from Muddy Creek, Western Victoria
Heilprin, A.1879A comparison of the Eocene Mollusca of the southeastern United States and western Europe in relation to the determination of identical forms
Tournouer, R.1879Étude sur les fossiles de l’étage Tongrien (D’Orbigny) des environs de Rennes en Bretagne
Woodward, H.1879Further notes on a collection of fossil shells, etc., from Sumatra (obtained by M. Verbeek. Director of the Geological Survey of the West Coast, Sumatra)
Smith, E. A.1879On a collection of Mollusca from Japan
Martin, K.1879Palaeontologischer Theil: A. Einleitung, B. Systematische Aufzählung und Beschreibung der Petrefacten: I. Cephalopoda, II. Gastropoda, III. Conchifera, IV. Brachiopoda
Hörnes, R., Auinger M.1880Die Gasteropoden der Meeres-Ablagerungen der ersten und zweiten Miocänen Mediterran-Stufe in der Österreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie. 2. Lieferung
de Gregorio, A.1880Fauna di S. Giovanni Ilarione (Parisiano). Parte 1. Cefalopodi e Gasteropodi
Fischer, P.1881Note sur le genre Olivella
Barrande, J.1881Systême silurien du centre de la Bohême
Bellardi, L.1882Gasteropoda (Buccinidae, Cyclopsidae, Purpuridae, Coralliophilidae, Olividae)
Watson, R. B.1882Mollusca of H.M.S. Challenger’ Expedition. Part XII
Crosse, H., Fischer P.1882Note complémentaire sur la résorption des parois internes du test, chez les Olivella
Vasseur, G.1882Recherches géologiques sur les terrains tertiaires de la France occidentale. Eocène de Bretagne. Faune de Bois-Gouët. Atlas paléontologique
Fischer, P. H.1883Manuel de Conchyliologie et de paléontologie conchyliologique ou histoire naturelle des mollusques vivants et fossils
Tryon, G. W.1883Marginellidae, Olividae, Columbellidae
Boettger, O.1883Mollusca. Die Tertiär-formation von Sumatra und ihre Thierreste
Jousseaume, F. P.1884Descriptions de mollusques nouveaux
Cossmann, M., Lambert J.1884Étude paléontologique et stratigraphique sur le terrain Oligocène marin aux environs d’Étampes
Tate, R.1884Notes of a critical examination of the Mollusca of the older tertiary of Tasmania, alleged to have living representatives
Martin, K.1884Systematischer Theil: Mollusca. I. Glossophora. A. Gasteropoda
Cossmann, M.1885Description d’espèces du terrain Tertiare des environs de Paris (suite)
Hutton, F. W.1885Descriptions of new Tertiary shells
Meyer, O.1885The genealogy and the age of the species of the southern Old-Tertiary. I
von Koenen, A.1885Über eine Paleocäne Fauna von Kopenhagen
Cossmann, M.1886Description d’espèces du terrain tertiaire des environs de Paris
Petterd, W. F.1886Description of two apparently new species of genus Ancillaria. Lam.
Aldrich, T. H.1886Preliminary report on the Tertiary fossils of Alabama and Mississippi
Watson, R. B.1886Report on the Scaphopoda and Gasteropoda collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76
von Koenen, A.1886Über das Mittel-Oligocän von Aarhus in Jütland
White, C. A.1887Contribuições á Paleontologia do Brazil
Philippi, R. A.1887Die tertiären und quartären Versteinerungen Chiles
III, G. B. Sowerby1888Description of fourteen new species of shells
Holzapfel, E.1888Die Mollusken der Aachener Kreide
Cossmann, M.1889Catalogue illustré des coquillages fossiles de l’Eocène des environs de Paris faisant suite aux travaux paléontologiques de G.-P. Deshayes, 4


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith