
AuthorsYearsort ascendingTitle
Finlay, H. J.1926New shells from New Zealand Tertiary beds. Part 2
Brookes, A. E.1926New species of Recent Mollusca
Marwick, J.1926New Tertiary Mollusca from North Taranaki
Kellum, L. B.1926Paleontology and stratigraphy of the Castle Hayne and Trent Marls in North Carolina
Nelson, R. H.1925A contribution to the paleontology of the Martinez Eocene of California
Kautsky, F.1925Das Miocän von Hemmoor und Basbeck-Osten
Vredenburg, E.1925Description of Mollusca from the post-Eocene Tertiary formation of north-western India: Cephalopoda, Opisthobranchiata, Siphonostomata
Maury, C. J.1925Fosseis terciarios do Brasil com descrição de nuovas formas cretaceas
Maury, C. J.1925A further contribution to the paleontology of Trinidad (Miocene horizons)
Thiele, J.1925Gastropoda der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. 2
Mansfield, W. C.1925Miocene gastropods and scaphopods from Trinidad, British West Indies
Oostingh, C. H.1925Report on a collection of recent shells from Obi and Halmahera (Moluccas)
Lukovic, M. T.1924Еоценска фауна молусака из области измечу Аральского и Челкарского озера и ньен.значау [Eocene molluscan fauna of the Aral Sea and Lake Tschalkar region]
Marwick, J.1924An examination of some of the Tertiary Mollusca claimed to be common to Australia and New Zealand
Marwick, J.1924Palaeontological notes on some Pliocene Mollusca from Hawke’s Bay
Iredale, T.1924Results from Roy Bell’s molluscan collections
Cossmann, M.1923Description des mollusques
Palmer, D. B. K.1923A fauna from the Middle Eocene shales near Vacaville, California
Vredenburg, E.1923Indian Tertiary Gastropoda, IV. Olividae, Harpidae, Marginellidae, Volutidae and Mitridae, with comparative diagnosis of new species
Yokoyama, M.1923Tertiary Mollusca from Dainichi in Totomi
Yokoyama, M.1922Fossils from the Upper Musashino of Kazusa and Shimosa
Trask, P. D.1922The Briones Formation of Middle California
Olsson, A. A.1922The Miocene of northern Costa Rica. With notes on its general stratigraphic relations
Woods, H.1922Mollusca from the Eocene and Miocene deposits of Peru
Pilsbry, H. A.1922Revision of W.M. Gabb’s Tertiary Mollusca of Santo Domingo
Peile, A. J.1922Some notes on radulae
Oldroyd, T. S.1921Some varieties of Western Olivellas
Aldrich, T. H.1921New Eocene species from Alabama
Vredenburg, E.1921Results of a revision of some portions of Dr Noetling’s second monograph on the Tertiary fauna of Burma
Tomlin, J. R. Le B.1921Six new marine shells from South Africa
Maury, C. J.1920Tertiary Mollusca from Porto Rico
Hubbard, B.1920Tertiary Mollusca from the Lares district
Stefanini, G.1919Considerazioni sulla fauna Neogenica del Veneto
Bartrum, J. A.1919A fossiliferous bed at Kawa Creek, West Coast, South of Waikato River, New Zealand
Cossmann, M.1919Monographie illustrée des mollusques Oligocéniques des environs de Rennes
Higgins, H. C.1919A new variety of Oliva sericea miniacea
Favre, J.1918Catalogue illustré de la collection Lamarck. Mollusques Trachélipodes fossiles
Oppenheim, P.1918Das Neogen in Klein-Asien (I Teil)
Bartsch, P.1918New marine mollusks from the Philippine Islands
Clark, B. L.1918The San Lorenzo series of Middle California
Marshall, M. A.1918The Tertiary molluscan fauna of Pakaurangi Point, Kaipara Harbour
Stefanini, G.1917Fossili del Neogene Veneto
Pilsbry, H. A., Johnson C. W.1917New Mollusca of the Santa Domingan Oligocene
Pilsbry, H. A., Brown A.1917Oligocene fossils from the neighborhood of Cartagena, Colombia, with notes on some Haitian species
Maury, C. J.1917Santa Domingo type section and fossils. Part I. Mollusca
Waring, C. A.1917Stratigraphic and faunal relations of the Martinez to the Chico and Tejon of Southern California
Gardner, J.1916Maryland Geological Survey. Upper Cretaceous
Woodring, W. P.1916The Mollusca of the Bowden beds of Jamaica
III, G. B. Sowerby1915Descriptions of new species of Mollusca from various localities
Dickerson, R. E.1915Fauna of the Martinez Eocene of California


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith