
AuthorsYearTitlesort ascending
Terzer, G. L.1997Genus Ancilla (Lamarck, 1799): Proposta per un nuovo inquadramento subgenerico / Genus Ancilla (Lamarck, 1799): A proposal for a new subgeneric arrangement (II)
Terzer, G. L.1997Genus Ancilla (Lamarck, 1799): Proposta per un nuovo inquadramente subgenerico / genus Ancilla (Lamarck, 1799): A proposal for a new sub-generic arrangement (I)
Terzer, G. L.1996Genus Agaronia Gray, 1838
Duclos, P. L.1840Genre Olive
Duclos, P. L.1835Genre Olive
Kiener, L. - C.1841Genre Ancillaire (Ancillaria, Lam.)
Vermeij, G. J.1998Generic revision of the neogastropod family Pseudolividae
Petiver, J.1702Gazophylacii naturae & artis decas prima
Glibert, M.1952Gastéropodes du Miocène moyen du Bassin de la Loire. Deuxième partie
E. Rios, deC.1990Gastrópodos endêmicos do Brasil; Olivella defiorei Klappenbach, 1964
E. Rios, deC.1990Gastrópodos endêmicos do Brasil; Ancilla lienardi (Bernardi, 1821)
E. Rios, deC.1990Gastrópodos endêmicos do Brasil; Agaronia travassosi Morretes, 1938
Karczewski, L.1987Gastropods from the Cape Melville formation (Lower Miocene) of King George Island, West Antarctica
Martin, K.1895Gastropoda, Bulla-Murex.
Thiele, J.1925Gastropoda der Deutschen Tiefsee-Expedition. 2
Rosenberg, G., Moretzsohn, F., Garcia E. F.2009Gastropoda (Mollusca) of the Gulf of Mexico
Bellardi, L.1882Gasteropoda (Buccinidae, Cyclopsidae, Purpuridae, Coralliophilidae, Olividae)
Lozano, J. Francisco2012Fósiles marinos del Néogeno de Canarias (collección de la ULPGC). Dos neotipos, catálogo y nuevas aportaciones (sistemática, paleoecología y paleoclimatología)
Johnson, C. W.1915Further notes on the Olividae
Shuto, T., Ueda Y.1967Further notes on new Oligocene gastropods from North Kyushu
Woodward, H.1879Further notes on a collection of fossil shells, etc., from Sumatra (obtained by M. Verbeek. Director of the Geological Survey of the West Coast, Sumatra)
Melvill, J. C.1898Further investigations into the molluscan fauna of the Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf, and Gulf of Oman, with descriptions of fourty species
Houston, R. S.1974Functional morphology of reproduction in selected neogastropods from the Puerto Penasco region of Sonora, Mexico
Hedley, C.1899Funafuti Atoll. The Mollusca. Part 1. Gastropoda
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Conrad, T. A.1839Fossils of the medial Tertiary of the United States 1
Yokoyama, M.1922Fossils from the Upper Musashino of Kazusa and Shimosa
Brander, G.1766Fossilia Hantoniensia collecta, et in Museo Brittanico deposita
Stefanini, G.1917Fossili del Neogene Veneto
Abrard, R.1947Fossiles néogènes et quaternaires des Nouvelles-Hébrides (Missions E. Aubert de la Rüe, 1934-1936)
Brives, A.1897Fossiles Miocène (Première Partie)
Hébert, E., Renevier E.1856Fossiles du terrain nummulitique supérieur des environs de Gap, des Diablerets et de quelques localités de la Savoie
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Conrad, T. A.1833Fossil shells of the Tertiary formations of North America. 1(2-4)
Jung, P.1971Fossil mollusks from Carriacou, West Indies
Simone, L. R. L., Mezzalira S.1994Fossil molluscs of Brazil
Allan, R. S.1926Fossil Mollusca from the Waihao Greensands
van der Hoek, B.1981Fossielen uit de Miocene afzetting van Miste bij Winterswijk
Maury, C. J.1925Fosseis terciarios do Brasil com descrição de nuovas formas cretaceas
Perini, M. A.2000First report of syntopic occurrence of Oliva oliva Linnaeus, 1758 with an Oliva sp. of the "Oliva oliva complex" (Gastropoda: Olividae)
Wilson, B. R., Gillett K.1979Field guide to Australian shells: Prosobranch gastropods
Cossmann, M., Pissarro G.1901Faune Éocénique du Cotentin (mollusques). 2e article
Cossmann, M.1903Faune Pliocénique de Karikal (Inde française)
Glibert, M.1952Faune malacologique du Miocène de la Belgique. II. Gastropodes
Dickerson, R. E.1915Fauna of the Martinez Eocene of California
Dickerson, R. E.1913Fauna of the Eocene at Marysville Buttes, California
de Gregorio, A.1880Fauna di S. Giovanni Ilarione (Parisiano). Parte 1. Cefalopodi e Gasteropodi
Hupé, H.1854Fauna Chilena. Moluscos
Simone, L. R. L.2007Family Pseudolividae (Caenogastropoda, Muricoidea): A polyphyletic taxon
Latreille, P. A.1825Familles naturelles du règne animal, exposée succinctement et dans un ordre analytique, avec l’indication de leurs genres


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith