
AuthorsYearTitlesort descending
Collignon, J.1957Mollusques Testacés Marins
Nicklès, M.1950Mollusques testacés marins de la côte occidentale d’Afrique
Locard, A.1897Mollusques testacés. 1
Cossmann, M.1897Mollusques éocéniques de la Loire-Inférieure. Tome 1, fascicule 2
Lesson, A.1830Mollusques, annélides, et vers
de Orbigny, A.1842Mollusques. Vol. 2
Perrilliat, M. C.1963Moluscos de la formación Agueguexquite (Mioceno medio) del istmo de Tehuantepec, México
Perrilliat, M. C.1960Moluscos del Mioceno de la Cuenca Salina del istmo de Tehuantepec, México
Wiggers, F.2003Moluscos gastrópodes da plataforma continental externa e talude continental ao largo da Laguna dos Patos – Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
Macsotay, O., R. Villarroel C.2001Moluscos representativos de la plataforma Margarita, Venezuela. Descripción de 24 nuevas moluscos representativos de la plataforma de Margarita, Venezuela
Perrilliat, M. C.1972Monografia de los moluscos del Mioceno medio de Santa Rosa, Veracruz, Mexico. Parte 1. (Gasterópodos: Fissurellidae a Olividae)
Glibert, M.1933Monografie de la faune malacologique du Bruxellien des environs de Bruxelles
Reeve, L. A.1864Monograph of the genus Ancillaria
II, G. B. Sowerby1859Monograph of the genus Ancillaria
Reeve, L. A.1850Monograph of the genus Oliva
Carpenter, P. P.1856Monograph of the shells collected by T. Nuttall, Esq. on the Califomian coast, in the years 1834-5
de Gregorio, A.1890Monographie de la faune éocènique de l’Alabama et surtout de celle de Claiborne de l’étage Parisien (Horizon à Venericardia planicosta Lamk.)
Müller, J.1851Monographie der Petrefacten der Aachener Kreideformation. Zweite Abtheilung
Cossmann, M.1919Monographie illustrée des mollusques Oligocéniques des environs de Rennes
Nicolay, K.1984More on Agaronia biraghii
Zeigler, R. F.1980More on Agaronia lutaria Roding
Kantor, Y. I., Fedosov A.2009Morphology and development of the valve of Leiblein: Possible evidence for the paraphyly of the Neogastropoda
Leal, J. H., Harasewych M. G.1995Morphology and systematics of the enigmatic volutid Plicoliva zelindae (Petuch, 1979) (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
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Röding, P. F.1798Museum Boltenianum sive catalogus cimeliorum e tribus regnis naturae… 2
Brongniart, A.1823Mémoire sur les terrains de sédiment supérieurs calcaréo-trappéens du Vicentin, et sur quelques terrains d’Italie, de France, de l’Allemagne, etc.
Martin, K.1906Nachtrag zu den Gastropoden
Wilmarth, M. G.1931Names and definitions of the geological units of California
Smith, E. A.1899Natural history notes from H.M. Indian Marine Survey Steamer ’Investigator’, commander T.H. Heming, R.N. Series III., No. 1. On Mollusca from the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea
Harris, G. D.1895Neocene Mollusca of Texas
Cunha, R. L., Grande, C., Zardoya R.2009Neogastropod phylogenetic relationships based on entire mitochondrial genomes
Sohl, N.1964Neogastropoda, Opisthobranchia, and Basommatophora from the Ripley, Owl Creek, and Prairie Bluff Formations
Meco, J.1981Neogastropodos fosiles de Las Canarias orientales
Shuto, T.1969Neogene gastropods from Panay Island, the Philippines
Petuch, E. J.1988Neogene history of tropical American mollusks
Cox, L. R.1948Neogene mollusca from the Dent Peninsula, British North Borneo
Olsson, A. A.1964Neogene mollusks from northwest Ecuador
Saunders, J. B., Jung, P., Biju-Duval B.1986Neogene paleontology in the northern Dominican Republic. 1. Field surveys, lithology, environment, and age
Vokes, E. H.1989Neogene paleontology in the northern Dominican Republic. 8. The family Muricidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
Oostingh, C. H.1933Neue Mollusken aus dem Pliozän von Java
Chemnitz, J. H.1780Neues systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet. 4
Martini, F. H. W.1773Neues systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet. Nach der Natur gezeichnet und mit lebendigen Farben erleuchtet. 2
Chemnitz, J. H.1788Neues systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet. Zehenter und letzter Band
Nielsen, S. N., Frassinetti D.2003New and little known species of Pseudolividae (Gastropoda) from the Tertiary of Chile
Petuch, E. J.1987New Caribbean molluscan faunas
Petuch, E. J.2002New deep water gastropods from the Bimini shelf, Bimini chain, Bahamas
Abbott, R. T.1951New deep-water Olivellas from Florida, with notes on the O. jaspidea-nivea complex
Cooke, W.1926New Eocene mollusks from Jackson, Miss.
Aldrich, T. H.1921New Eocene species from Alabama
Bert, C.1984New form of Oliva mustelina Lamarck, 1811 form SW Taiwan


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith