
AuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
Sowerby, J.1821The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain, 3
Say, T.1822An account on some of the marine shells of the United States
de Lamarck, J. B.1822Histoire Naturelle des Animaux sans vertèbres 7
Sowerby, J.1822The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain, 4
Sowerby, G. B.1823The genera of Recent and fossil shells, for the use of students in conchology and geology
Children, J. G.1823Lamarck’s genera of shells
Brongniart, A.1823Mémoire sur les terrains de sédiment supérieurs calcaréo-trappéens du Vicentin, et sur quelques terrains d’Italie, de France, de l’Allemagne, etc.
Swainson, W.1823The specific characters of several undescribed shells
Quoy, J. R. C., Gaimard J. P.1824Voyage autour du Monde, Entrepris par Ordre du Roi, sous le Ministère et conformément aux instructions de S. Exc. M. le Vicomte de Bouchage ... Zoologie
Michelin, H.1825Collection de M. Hardouin Michelin. Coquilles fossiles du Bassin parisien
I, G. B. Sowerby1825A catalogue of the shells contained in the collection of the late Earl of Tankerville, arranged according to the Lamarckian conchological system, Appendix
de Basterot, B.1825Description géologique du Bassin Tertiaire du sud-ouest de la France. 1
Latreille, P. A.1825Familles naturelles du règne animal, exposée succinctement et dans un ordre analytique, avec l’indication de leurs genres
Swainson, W.1825A monograph of the genus Ancillaria, with description of several new species
Defrance, J. L. M.1825Oliva
Risso, A.1826Histoire naturelle des principales productions de l’Europe méridionale et particulièrement de celles des environs de Nice et des Alpes Maritimes. 4
Wood, W.1828Supplement to the Index Testaceologicus; or a catalogue of shells, British and foreign
Broderip, W. J., I G. B. Sowerby1829Observations on new and interesting Mollusca contained, for the most part, in the museum of the Zoological Society
Swainson, W.1829Zoological Illustrations, or original figures and descriptions of new, rare, or interesting animals, selected chiefly from the classes of ornithology, zoology, and conchology
Say, T.1830American Conchology, or descriptions of the shells of North America. Illustrated by colored figures from original drawings executed from nature 1
Deshayes, G. P.1830Encyclopédie Méthodique. Histoire Naturelle des Vers 2
I, G. B. Sowerby1830Genus Ancillaria
Lesson, A.1830Mollusques, annélides, et vers
Menke, K. T.1830Synopsis methodica Molluscorum generum omnium et specierum earum. Editio altera, auctior et emendatior
Deshayes, G. P.1831Ancillaria volutella
Bronn, H. G.1831Uebersicht der fossilen Ueberreste in den tertiären Gebirgen Italiens
Swainson, W.1831Zoological Illustrations, or original figures and descriptions of new, rare, or interesting animals, selected chiefly from the classes of ornithology, entomology, and conchology, (2)2
Andrzeiowski, A.1832Catalogue des coquilles fossiles du Plateau Volhynie-Podolien de la collection du Lycée de Volhynie
de Cristofori, J., Jan G.1832Conchylia fossilia ex formatione telluris tertiaria in collectione nostra exstantia
Swainson, W.1832Olivae. Zoological Illustrations, or original figures and descriptions of new, rare, or interesting animals, selected chiefly from the classes of ornithology, zoology, and conchology
Lea, I.1833Contributions to geology
Conrad, T. A.1833Fossil shells of the Tertiary formations of North America. 1(2-4)
Andrzeiowski, A.1833Coquilles fossiles de Volhynie et de Podolie (suite)
Duclos, P. L.1833Oliva polpasta Duclos
Quoy, J. R. C., Gaimard P.1834Animaux mollusques
Ravenel, E.1834Catalogue of Recent shells in the cabinet of Edmund Ravenel, M. D.
Conrad, T. A.1834Descriptions of new Tertiary fossils from the southern States
Grateloup, J. P. S.1834Tableau (suite du) des coquilles fossiles qu’on rencontre dans les terrains tertiaires grossiers (faluns) du Bassin géologique de l’Adour (Landes)
Duclos, P. L.1835Genre Olive
Deshayes, G. P.1835Description des coquilles fossiles des environs de Paris. 2(40-45)
J. Sowerby, deC.1837Appendix. Systematic list of organic remains, the plants determined by mr. John Morris, and the remainder by mr. James de Carl Sowerby, A.L.S.
Pusch, G. G.1837Polens Paläontologie oder Abbildung und Beschreibung der vorzüglichsten und der noch unbeschriebenen Petrefakten aus den Gebirgsformationen in Polen, Volhynien und den Karpathen
Conrad, T. A.1839Fossils of the medial Tertiary of the United States 1
Gray, J. E.1839Molluscous animals, and their shells
Anton, H. E.1839Verzeichniss der Conchylien welche sich in der Sammlung von Hermann Eduard Anton befinden
Duclos, P. L.1840Genre Olive
Weinkauff, H. C.1840Die Gattung Oliva
Swainson, W.1840A treatise on malacology, or the natural classification of shell and shell-fish
Kiener, L. - C.1841Genre Ancillaire (Ancillaria, Lam.)
de Orbigny, A.1841Mollusques


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith